Eric Andersson

my personal webpage

Getting a password manager

"Pass, OpenPGP and YubiKey"

I’ve always been mindful of my online presence, privacy and security. I’ve tried to choose strong passwords, enable two factor authentication and always been hesitant of putting stuff in the “cloud...

End-of-year closure 2017

"Remarks from an above-the-average-year"

I like end-of-year summaries, it seems like a good way to plant a flag for yourself to see in the future. It might actually be one of the main reasons for creating this blog. Without further ado, h...

Welcome to my page

"Hello World, Hello Blog"

I’ve always wanted to be like the cool kids and have my own personal webpage. A few years back I made my first efforts and decided to go for something that would allow me to:Create a simple st...